​​Jackie Jones
Actress, Liverpool, UK

All photos courtesy of http://www.peck-photography.com





Head Shots
Production Stills

Floating World - August 2012 A performance with Tate Liverpool by Hope Street Ltd directed by Montse Gili. The performance was a physical theatre piece based on the Tate's summer exhibition of Turner, Monet and Twombly and incorporated movement, devising and music.

A Hope St Ltd Production with Hope Street Feast. Directed by John Nicholson of Peepolykus. Street Theatre performance to over 40,000 people, Jackie played a disgruntled Scottish Shot-putter and an American Cinema attendant as well as filming the promo video. Devising, music, as well as improvisational skills were all key in this performance.

A Hope Street Production with Liverpool Biennial. Directed by Adam McGuigan of Barefeet Theatre. In this 6 hour live action game, Jackie played Marlene Clearwater, an evil cult leader intent on releasing a deadly virus to the world. Jackie also assisted in writing some of the piece as well as being a key member of the devising team. Photo courtesy of Delia Brady Jacobs

As well as the leader of an evil cult, Jackie also played a rather confused spy granny to the players of Deadline and members of the public in Liverpool's Bluecoat. Together with fellow cast member Chloe Darke, their comedy performances were really well recieved. Photo courtesy of Delia Brady Jacobs

A Hope Street Production. Directed by Tamsin Cook. A physical theatre piece exploring the different ways we see each other - and the ways we camoflage ourselves. A four hour endurance piece with great audience feedback.